Very Special Education
The Vocational Program at Raymond Hill School is designed to help students prepare to enter the workforce and develop skills for independent living. The school has incorporated a Youth Business Model which involves offering services or products to be sold and is based on a profit sharing concept. Youth businesses allow students to learn the economics of profit and loss as well as the virtue of hard work through “hands on” learning. They receive financial compensation for their efforts in business.
Each student participates in at least one vocational training component, based on age, interest level, and Individualized Education Program goals. A vocational counselor monitors students’ progress in work site placements and provides guidance to develop transitional goals in carerr education.
Our vocational program includes:

Culinary Arts


Environmental Science

Automotive Education and Restoration

Music and Theater

Technology and Design

Sports and Fitness

Visual Arts
Assessment Services
Students have their skills, strengths and weaknesses evaluated through age appropriate formal and informal assessments.
Job Coaching
Job coaches give work related supports on a one to one basis. Job coaches also evaluate the student’s work performance and give the feedback to the student for improvement.
Direct Work Placement
Junior and Senior students get placed at a job in the competitive labor market. The jobs are arranged by the worksite developer.
Interview Preparation/Resume Building
Students learn how to prepare themselves to take advantage of upcoming opportunities to interact with employers. Students are given the opportunity to receive instruction on what is essential to success on an interview, cover letter, and résumé.